My Story

Sadie Rigby

I went to a college in Southern Utah (go Trailblazers!) where I studied Nursing during the day, and was the captain of the cheer team at night! Cheer paid for my tuition, and my prestigious job as ticket girl at the local car wash covered the groceries.

In the midst of school, cheer and work, I was OBSESSED with fitness.

But me and fitness weren’t always on the same page. In high school I struggled with my body image which led to some unhealthy cycles of restricting:

And then binging:

Needless to say I was not in a good spot with my health. That’s when I decided to shift my mindset. I was just going to focus on becoming the strongest version of myself and stop worrying about my weight or how skinny I was. And that’s when I discovered weight training!

Since then I have been a sponge, absorbing every bit of knowledge I can about how to achieve health and longevity. Hence my interest in Nursing!

I started out with some simple guides and after a while I was feeling much better!

Fast forward a few years and I had developed my own training method, and became a Certified Personal Trainer while studying! I was in the best shape of my life!

After getting married and graduating college, my husband encouraged me to start an instagram because of how many people were asking me for workout advice. It was easier just to refer everyone to the instagram page, and who knows, maybe in a few years I could bring in an extra few hundred bucks a month from it!

And thus, Sadie Active was born!

(first pic we posted)

I worked as a nurse during the day, and chipped away at the instagram posting workouts and advice in the evenings!

The account promptly grew from 0-30k within a couple months, and we launched the Sadie Active App. The app was immediately HUGE SUCCESS and I was blown away by the results women from all walks of life were having following my weekly weight training method!

The Sadie Active App continued to grow and today the Instagram page has over 158k followers. The app has changed the lives of tens of thousands of women, with hundreds of new downloads everyday! And we’re just getting started!

I never imagined people would see such amazing results with my workout programming, but I’m proud as punch that I have been able to help so many women discover the most confident, strong version of themselves! If you’re looking for strategic workout programming, and want to give weight training a swing, check out the Sadie Active App and let me know how you like it!

Sadie Active App

Follow my weekly workout programming along with thousands of other women! Let’s get stronger together!

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